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5 Tips To Avoid Frozen Pipes

January 10, 2025
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As cold weather approaches, it’s crucial for us to prepare for freezing weather. Just as the Bible reminds us to be diligent in all things (Proverbs 27:23-24), we must also take practical steps to safeguard our properties so that our ministries may be unhindered.

Below, you’ll find five helpful tips to prevent frozen pipes and the costly damage they can cause—because preparation today can save us from a multitude of frustrations tomorrow.

Tip 1: Set the heat inside your building to 70 degrees or higher

We often hear that setting the thermostat to 55 degrees will prevent pipes from freezing. However, it’s important to understand if the inside of the building is at 55 degrees, the outside walls, where the pipes are present, could reach freezing or below freezing temperatures, causing the pipes to burst.

This is why it’s critical to set the thermostat to 70 degrees or higher to help avoid frozen pipe damage.

Tip 2: Get heat and airflow to locations where pipes are present (below cabinets and above drop ceilings)

Some of the most significant and most sever freeze damage claims that we see come from those organizations that have pipes and sprinkler systems running above a drop ceiling where heat wasn’t able to reach the pipes.

Tip 3: Drip faucets and water lines

Dripping your faucets during cold weather is essential because it allows your water to flow. Water freezes when sitting stagnant and dripping your faucet will allow your water to move.

Tip 4: Consider investing in a water shut-off device

Many insurance carriers are implementing both freeze and water damage deductibles, which is why this type of small investment could save you a significant amount of money in the long run.

We recommend FloLogic.

Tip 5: Make sure you are enrolled into your online portal

It is important to be enrolled in your Lightwell online portal so that we can update you when freezing weather is coming your way.

Taking steps to prevent frozen pipes isn’t just about protecting a building; it’s about being faithful stewards of what God has entrusted to us. By following these tips, you can help ensure that your property remains safe and ready to serve your most valuable asset – your people.

Let’s care well for what the Lord has placed in our hands, trusting Him with the outcomes and remaining diligent in our responsibilities.

Stay warm, stay prepared, and stay connected through our online portal so we can keep you informed and equipped.

Together, we can face the winter season with wisdom and grace.

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